This year so far.......
Mossy Roots along the River Otter

A display of the highs and lows of this year.
(updated at 9:34 on the 27/7/24)
Note that these figures are taken from the automatic weather station and may differ slightly from the manual readings taken daily at 09:00 using standard thermometers and a 5" rain gauge

  Temperature Low

-7.3°C on the 19/1/24


Temperature High

28.6°C on the 26/6/24

  Temperature Average 10.9°C so far this year
  Relative Humidity Low 41% on the 2/6/24
  Relative Humidity High 94% on the 18/2/24
  Dewpoint Low -8.8°C on the 19/1/24
  Dewpoint High 21.1°C on the 19/7/24
  Pressure Low 966.9 hPa on the 28/3/24
  Pressure High 1036.4 hPa on the 11/1/24
  Pressure Average 1009.5 hPa so far this year
  Wind Gust High 59 mph on the 28/3/24
  Wind Chill Low -9.9°C on the 16/1/24
  Wind Run so far 516605 miles
Wind Average Speed so far 3 mph
Total Yearly Rainfall so far 597.6 mm on the 25/7/24
UV Index High 9.6 on the 1/7/24
Solar Radiation High 1276 W/m² on the 12/6/24

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