Otter Valley Weather Extremes (2005 - 2020) |

Otter Valley
weather extremes for 2020 and station records. |
2020 |
Record |
Temperature highs |
31.3°C |
11th August |
31.1°C |
20th June 2017 |
Temperature lows |
-3.3°C |
20th January |
-11.6°C |
26th December 2010 |
Temperature lowest high |
7.4°C |
24th January |
-1.4°C |
25th December 2010 |
Temperature highest low |
17.4°C |
31st July |
19.2°C |
1st July 2015 |
Warmest daily
mean |
24.1°C |
11th August |
23.3°C |
19th July 2006 |
Coldest daily
mean |
3.0°C |
22nd January |
-6.0°C |
19th December 2010 |
Warmest monthly
mean |
18.3°C |
July |
20.1°C |
July 2006 |
Coldest monthly mean |
7.0°C |
January |
0.7°C |
December 2010 |
Warmest annual
mean |
-.-°C |
- |
12.1°C |
2014 |
Coldest annual
mean |
10.0°C |
2010 |
Highest monthly
anomaly |
+2.7°C |
February |
+5.0°C |
December 2015 |
monthly anomaly |
+0.5°C |
March |
-5.6°C |
December 2010 |
Grass temp lows |
-8.3°C |
3rd February |
-10.8°C |
7th January 2010 |
Rainfall in 15
minutes |
-.- mm |
- |
10.4 mm |
October 2008 |
Rainfall in 1 hour |
-.- mm |
- |
24.1 mm |
12th June 2006 |
Rainfall in 24 hours |
25.1 mm |
February |
70.8 mm |
30th October 2008 |
Rainfall in 1 month |
158.4 mm |
February |
188.9 mm |
November 2009 |
Rainfall in 1 year |
-.- mm |
2019 |
1370 mm |
2012 |
Highest Rainfall
Rate |
-.- mm/hr |
-.- |
-.- |
-.- |
Driest Month |
10.7 mm |
May |
0.0 mm |
June 2018 |
Driest Year |
-.- mm |
- |
712 mm |
2011 |
Max Sunshine in 1 day |
15.7 Hours |
23rd June |
15.8 hours |
25th June 2010 |
Max Sunshine in 1 week |
82.5 Hours |
10th - 16th May |
107.2 hours |
24th to 30th June 2018 |
Max Sunshine in 1 month |
357.8 Hours |
May |
328.2 hours |
July 2013 |
Max Sunshine in 1 year |
-.- Hours |
- |
2019 hours |
2010 |
Dullest month |
79.0 Hours |
January |
49.1 Hours |
November 2015 |
Dullest Year |
- |
- |
1681 Hours |
2011 |
UV Index high |
10.0 |
7th July |
10.0 |
14th July 2014 |
Solar irradiance high |
1159 W/m² |
11th May |
1320 W/m² |
4th May 2015 |
Solar irradiance 1-hour
ave high |
1153 W/m² |
17th June |
1093 W/m² |
9th May 2019 |
Solar energy mean day high |
31.28 MJ/m² |
1st June |
33.1 MJ/m² |
19th June 2012 |
Solar energy mean day low |
0.95 MJ/m² |
16th January |
0.15 MJ/m² |
24th January 2014 |
Wind high |
67 mph |
14th January |
74 mph |
29th November 2018 |
Windiest day |
500 miles |
9th February |
405 miles |
6th February 2016 |
Windiest month |
5495 miles |
February |
6632 miles |
December 2015 |
Calmest day |
17 miles |
4th January |
1 mile |
11th December 2008 |
Calmest month |
2217 miles |
April |
1293 miles |
September 2014 |
Pressure highs |
1050.1 hPa |
20th January |
1044.1 hPa |
2nd January 2019 |
Pressure lows |
983.6 hPa |
29th February |
961.1 hPa |
10th March 2008 |
high |
24.1°C |
August |
21.8°C |
2017 |
low |
-3.8°C |
20th January |
-14.3°C |
December 2010 |
humidity low |
41% |
14th May |
27% |
9th July 2013 |
Soil moisture deficit6 |
- cb |
- |
78 cb |
28th July 2018 |
10 cm soil temp highs5 |
19.6°C |
8th August |
23.3°C |
23rd July 2018 |
10 cm soil temp lows |
-.-°C |
- |
1.2°C |
1st March 2018 |
30 cm soil temp highs |
18,3°C |
10th August |
21.3°C |
27th July 2014 |
30 cm soil temp lows |
-.-°C |
- |
2.8°C |
3rd March 2018 |
100 cm soil temp highs |
16.5°C |
10th August |
19.6°C |
30th July 2014 |
100 cm soil temp lows |
-.-°C |
- |
4.0°C |
10th January 2009 |
snow depth |
0 cm |
- |
cm |
December 2010 |
snow cover1 |
0 day |
- |
days |
17th -
26th Dec 2010 |
Least snow
days in a year2 |
- |
- |
days |
& 16 |
Most snow
days in a year2 |
0 days |
So far |
days |
2010 |
surface temp highs |
-.-°C |
- |
22.1°C |
19th June 2017 |
surface temp lows |
7.7°C |
6th March |
5.4°C |
December 2010 |
Least frost
nights |
- |
- |
18 days |
2014 |
Most frost
nights |
- days |
2020 |
64 days |
2010 |
night3 |
-.- hours |
- |
24 hours |
25th December 2010 |
month3 |
hours |
- |
373 hours |
December 2010 |
days in a month4 |
- Days |
- |
6 days |
July 2014 |
days in a year4 |
- Days |
2020 |
23 days |
2014 |
Updated on the
11th August 2020.
This page is
usually updated at the end of every month. |
Most records
go back to May 2005, which is when this station started
recording weather for the Otter Valley. Sea surface
temperature records are for Lyme Bay and date from early
2003. Sunshine recording was added late 2006 and started
collecting data in 2007. Soil and grass temperature readings
started in 2007. UV Index recording started in January 2011.
1Longest continuous snow cover of at least 50% of
the ground. 2Snow days are defined as snow seen
falling. 3Frostiest days are defined as the time
duration with temperatures below 0.0°C. 4Thunder
days are defined as days when thunder is heard. 5Soil
temperatures at 10 cm depth begin from the start of 2018.
6Soil moisture deficit is measured at 30 cm depth
and is in centibars (cb). Recording started September 2017.
For a description on the measurement of soil moisture the
click here. |